Miss Kuroitsu From The Monster Development Department Genre?

The Genre of Miss Kuroitsu from the Monster Development Department

The Miss Kuroitsu from the Monster Development Department Genre is Comedy, Fantasy, Shounen, and Demons. The Premiered are Winter 2022.

The Studio is Quad. The focus story is Touka Kuroitsu to daily life. She works in the monster development department.

Synopsis of Miss Kuroitsu from the Monster Development Department

Touka Kuroitsu and Hajime Sadamaki are developed for the newly created Wolf Bete, Hydra, and Cannon Thunderbird. Kuroitsu in enemy name is Kenshin Blader.

Kenji Sadamaki is a young man to work restaurant in a part-time job. Kenji Sadamaki's secret identity is Kenshin Blader. Kuroitsu is the goal to defeat Kenshin Blader.

miss kuroitsu from the monster development department anime


Touka Kuroitsu

She is scientific in developing to create monsters, but the big problem is low money for development. She is trying to better the monster to create and develop.

Kenshin Blader

He is hero's names are Kenshin Blader. His is goal to good life and other people. He is a defeated monster. 

Wolf Bete

She is the monster wolf, but one male monster. Akashic is ordered to change the female monster to the final. Her is a bad feeling in girl monster.


The genre is Comedy, Fantasy, Shounen, and Demons. The main character is Touka Kuroitsu and Wolf Bete.

The supporting character is Kenshin Blader. The focus story of Touka Kuroitsu and the monster. The leader scientific of Professor (Hajime Sadamaki).

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